Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Call for volunteers.....

So we loaded the talent cannon last April and shot off our mouths about the impending super stop animated short " Zombelina", it all seemed so easy...especially for me as my bit was already basically done and all I needed to do ws wait for Carl, James and Kim to come up with their bits.

But writing a story and bringing it to life are on seperate planets, and with each person also needing to keep their fridges filled, Zombelina has been put on the back burner for the time being...while we concentrate on our own individual projects.

That was until last week when the proposed site for Zombie Aid 3 ( Sports City) was declared unready, forcing the event to be cancelled altogether. There are still plans to put on a Zombie Music Fest with the same line up, but the location still hasn't been announced yet.

And so our thoughts turn back to Zombelina and turning it into a film, just for the record, and like all good Zombie stories, there is a Zombelina 2 - " Revenge of the Toys" already on the go.  Which should be finished before the end of the month.  But literally that is another story.

The main task now is to bring Zombelina to life:

Carl Whiteley ( Director) and Kim Emson ( animator) are asking for volunteers who have experience of puppet making, set building, animation and even dare I say it "funding" to get in touch via this blog and offer their services in return for production credits.   Anyone who is interested should have the means to get to Warrington where the studio is. 

Given the talent that is already involved, the end product should be fantastic with the chance to exhibit at film festivals all over the world.  It would be great if like minded artists shared our enthusiasm....